A Message to Our Community 

Dear Koonya Garlic Festival Supporters, 

It is with heavy hearts that we share news about the Koonya Garlic Festival 2024. Due to unexpected challenges and a shortage of committee members, we regret to announce the  cancellation of the 2024 Festival. Despite our best efforts to bolster our committee numbers, we currently lack the people-power needed for a safe and successful event.

Our focus now shifts to the Koonya Garlic Competition on February 23rd, 2024 - a pivotal part of  our annual event. Although a private affair, we'll be increasing online coverage for you to enjoy.  Post-competition, all our efforts will be dedicated to making the 2025 Festival extraordinary! 

Your support is more crucial than ever. We're actively working to overcome challenges but need  your help. If you're interested in supporting the festival in 2025, we'd love to have you on board. The more hands on deck, the easier it becomes. Click here for more more information on how you can help!

Thank you for being a vital part of the  Koonya Garlic Festival family. Let's look forward to the 2024 Garlic Competition and create magic  together in 2025! 

With all our garlicky love, 

The Koonya Garlic Festival Committee